STONINGTON – The Eugene Atwood Fund, a private non-profit foundation located in Stonington, CT, has been providing interest-free loans to New London County area students for over one hundred years. Programs include their annual awards as well as interest-free loans for college, trade/tech school or to obtain certification/licensing. Nineteen (19) senior high school students were awarded a total of $35,612 in funding and twenty-one (21) students were approved interest-free loans totaling over $78,000 for the 23-24 school year.
The Eugene Atwood Award is provided to senior high school students nominated by their principals and awarded for academic achievement. The Board of Trustees voted to award a total of $22,750 to the following students: 2023 Eugene Atwood Award Benjamin Nave Wheeler High School Student Name Withheld East Lyme High School Addie Concascia Montville High School Helen Gross Stonington High School 2023 Eugene Atwood Recognition Award Brooke Rodgers Bacon Academy Jenaliz Cordero Grasso Technical High School Kendall Larkin Griswold High School Ronan Allison Ledyard High School Lauren Pinkerton Lyman Memorial High School Shaelin McMunn Marine Science Magnet High School John Podziewski Norwich Technical High School Isaiah Anderson Robert E. Fitch High School Luca Muscarella Saint Bernard School Anika Gard The Williams School Briana Smith Waterford High School The Eugene Atwood Innovation Award provides funding for the purchase of tools/equipment for senior high school students pursuing a career in a trade related profession. The Eugene Atwood Fund’s Trade and Technology Committee awarded a total of $12,862 to the following students: 2023 Eugene Atwood Innovation Award McKenzie Wolicka Bacon Academy Kathrine Buckley Grasso Technical High School Benjamin Petersons Ledyard High School Student Name Withheld Norwich Technical High School For more information about programing or to apply, please visit or contact Stacey Haskell at [email protected].
August 2024